Fifty-one missionary educators, representing 13 countries
and a host of Latin America/ Caribbean ministries, gathered September 8-10
for the 2010 ACLAME Summit at the Lakeview Conference Center out of
Waxahachie, TX. ACLAME (Association of Caribbean and Latin American
Missionary Educators - exists to encourage and support AGWM missionaries in
their involvement of ministries of teaching, training and discipleship.
In 2003 Rod was one of four
missionaries that were invited to meet with the
Latin America/ Caribbean missionary leadership to
discuss concerns about supporting missionary
involvement in ministerial training. The
ACLAME ministry was born and has now conducted four
summits to encourage and assist our missionaries.
Rod has served as chairman of the ACLAME leadership
team for the last two years.
“Bridge Building” was the theme of the 2010 Summit. The purpose of the
Summit was to help missionary educators building bridges to resources,
institutions, nationals and colleagues, especially the younger missionaries.
The closing afternoon session was a synthesis of the various sub-themes
discussed during the Summit. There were seven aspects of bridge building
that were highlighted:
Relationships and Friendships
Changing Role of Missionaries
Communication and Teaching Styles
Generational Bridges
Character and Competence
Synthesis Chart provides the
definition, importance and application of each of these expressions of
bridge building.
We were honored to have Earl Creps with us for two sessions. He reminded us
that things are changing rapidly and the need to building bridges between
generations because of intense differences and a rapidly changing world. He
shared about the importance of mentoring and challenged with the concept of
reverse mentoring—the need to receive from the following generation.
Several months ago the ACLAME leadership team worked through Earl’s book
Reverse Mentoring. We recognize that there are not enough younger
missionaries involved in teaching, training and discipling ministries. We
intentionally reached out to younger missionaries, inviting them to the
Dave Godzwa and Ryan Jordan, two of these younger missionaries, shared the
two morning devotionals. Latin America/ Caribbean Regional Director Dick Nicholson challenged us
with an excellent message. After enjoying s’mores around the closing
bonfire, Caribbean Area Director Dale Coad encouraged us to trust God in the
valleys of life.
We received several evaluations that included different comments about the
Summit. These comments are included in the side bars. Several commented on
the effective balance of teaching and inspiration in this year’s Summit. For
me a special moment was listening to Kristi Northup sing You See Beauty, a
song she wrote to contrast human and divine perspectives. Kristi and Tara
Kenyon led worship in the two evening sessions. One line in the song says “I
see Simon, You see Peter.” Perhaps the most important bridge we build is
helping people realize their full potential in the Lord! We are truly
privileged to be missionary educators.

The Summit helped me to
evaluate my own ministry
and think about my priorities
as I return to the field.

I enjoyed getting to
learn from
the experiences of more
"seasoned" missionaries,
these lessons are invaluable
and in my opinion the greatest resource a forum like
has to offer.

The Summit gave me a
spectrum to help me evaluate
where I am and how I am
relating to the next generation.
It also made me more aware of
the importance and necessity to transfer to others
down the line
those qualities that the Kingdom
needs and the Church requires
so that the Gospel remains
revelant to each generation
and can fulfill it's Heavenly