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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Panama’s Christian
Schools: Commitment with Results
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
 First graders Eugenio and Edilcia,
brother and sister, leave their home at 4:00 AM each school
day to begin the three hour walk to school. When they arrive
they receive loving care, a quality Christian education and
a hot meal at the end of the school day before they begin
their journey back home. Eugenio and Edilcia are two of 98
children, kindergarten to third grade, who attend the Good
Shepherd School in the remote mountainous Guaymi Indian
village of Soloy in northwest Panama.
Why would their parents send Eugenio and Edilcia so far to
school? Would you believe it’s the closest one to where they
live! These parents know how important education is to their
kid’s future. And we know that effective education must be
transformational! God renews the mind through the heart.
The Christian school effectively builds three of the four
pillars of missions: reaching, teaching and touching. Would
we have had the opportunity to minister to Eugenio and
Edilcia if we didn’t have the school? Probably not. We’ve
discovered that the Christian school ministry opens new
doors of ministry in Panama.
We are convinced that the Christian school
ministry offers the highest possible level of commitment to
evangelism and discipleship. Imagine the
more than 30 hours each week dedicated to children and
youth, where teachers consider themselves "pastors" of the
children and youth in their classrooms. Most of the kids
that attend come from a non-Christian home.
Hundreds of hours of ministry from church members and
teachers impact not only the lives of these students, but
also mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters,
grandparents, uncles and aunts, and countless others. Our
churches and school offer practical workshops to parents and
family members to assist them with real problems and
concerns. There they hear the gospel and a message of hope.
We have seen the impact that the Christian school has on the
individual child, family and even community! Panama’s
Christian schools represent true transformation and require
commitment for the long haul. That’s commitment!
Panama’s Christian schools continue to experience explosive
growth! When we returned to the States for itineration in
2004 we reported that there 3,531 children and youth in 16
elementary schools, 9 junior high schools and 4 high
schools. Today that number has increased to 6,443 children
and youth in 30 elementary schools, 13 junior high schools
and 5 high schools, with strong prospects for continued
growth for years to come.
Most of the growth has been in the elementary level. Eleven
new elementary schools have opened in the last three years
alone. These new schools usually begin by offering
kindergarten through first or second grade; then add a new
grade each year. More and more churches and pastors are
discovering that the Christian school is an effective
evangelistic and discipleship ministry. Most of Panama
schools have the name “El Buen Pastor” or the Good Shepherd
Schools, a “brand” recognized for quality and strong
Christian values.
Jireh Good Shepherd School. The new schools
and continued growth of existing schools demands ongoing
construction of classrooms and other school facilities. MAPS
construction teams are needed and always welcome. Our
greatest challenge now is to complete construction of the
Jireh Good Shepherd School. Thanks to seven teams in
2007-2008, the entire superstructure of the four story
building was completed! But so much work still needs to be
done. The beginning of the year school was able to continue
work on the inside thanks to a miracle matching offering
received at the Jireh church. Our last building team left
$1,000. We challenged the congregation to give a sacrificial
offering and said we would match their offering. The
offering was more than $2,000! With $4,500 they were able to
complete four classrooms on the second floor. Just last
month they completed two more.
But there are three more floors! There is roof and façade
work to do. And the whole building still needs stucco and
paint, not to mention electrical and plumbing work, doors
and windows. We need your help! We are dedicating our
itineration to this worthy project. Can you help? If so,
please send your offerings to:
Jireh Project 7795
Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
We wish we could take you up to the fourth floor to look
out over the communities of Pedregal, Don Bosco and Juan Diaz. From this
small auditorium that will also serve as a prayer room, those present will
be able to see thousands of homes within 10 minutes of the church and
school, reachable by the Tocumen highway that runs in front of the church
and school.
There are currently 532 children and youth crowded into the existing Jireh
facilities and six apartments rented next door to the school. When completed
the school will have a capacity for 750 students! Remember, each one of
these kids has a name and a face and a story! We are privileged to sponsor
Josias through Latin America Childcare. Josias is a 4th grader at the Jireh
School. How incredibly fulfilling it is to know we are making a difference
in Josias’ life, helping him go to school and to know the Lord. That’s what
Latin America ChildCare is all about!
LATIN AMERICA CHILDCARE. The partnership of Latin America
ChildCare (LACC) with our schools helps to maintain a compassionate touch,
making it possible for hundreds to receive a quality Christian education
that otherwise would not be able to attend. LACC provides assistance to over
1,000 of the more than 6,000 children in Panama's Christian schools. LACC of
Panama partners with the Good Shepherd Schools of the General Council of the
Assemblies of God of Panama to offer assistance to those in greatest need.
LACC assists nearly 100,000 children in 20 different countries in 300
different schools in the Latin America and Caribbean region. In addition to
a quality Christian education, LACC also assists with feeding and medical
The heart of LACC is the team of individual sponsors who give $32 each month
to assist their child with school costs. Panama currently has more than 350
children and youth who desperately need a sponsor. Can you help? If so, you
can now sponsor a Panama child online on the Panama page of the
LACC4Hope.org website (panama.LACC4Hope.org) or call our toll free number
1-800-289-7071. God bless you for your prayers and support of the children
of Panama!
IS BELIEVING! We were privileged to have my sister,
brother-in-law, and niece with us in Panama recently. They
have been LACC sponsors for many years and wanted to visit
the children and schools they are helping. We visited
several schools in Panama City and my niece was able to meet
the four students that she and her husband sponsor. It was
such a special time for her and the students. The next day
we drove to the interior of Panama to visit the two remote
Guaymi Indian schools.
The Duima Good Shepherd School was our
first stop. My sister and brother-in-law have supported this
school for 12 years, from the very beginning. It was a
special time of visiting children in their classrooms,
presenting each of the 160 children with a special treat,
and each teacher with a bag of supplies. We also delivered
gifts that sponsors had sent for their children. My niece
Simone became acquainted with the English and computer
teacher. At one point we realized Simone was missing and
found her team teaching a class with her new friend!
next day we went on to the Soloy Good Shepherd School. It
was wonderful to see how God is blessing this new school and
using it to minister to 97 children from kindergarten to
third grade. Once again our hearts were touched as we saw
the difference this school is making in the lives of these
children and their families.
One family wanted their children in this
school so bad that they have moved onto the property of the
school so their kids could attend. They are living under a
blue tarp! When we went to visit the family our hearts were
touched to see an infant in a tiny, make-shift hammock and
hear that 12 members of the family live in this humble tent.
We also met children who walk over 3 hours to school each
morning. The director of the school reported that when some
of the children started school this year their bodies showed
of malnutrition, but now after a few months of school and
consistent feeding program that includes rice and beans they
look healthy and are enjoying learning.
sum up the visit this is what my niece wrote: “There is
nothing quite like the smile on a child’s face from the
schools we visited in Panama. Though they have nothing and
are faced with poverty every day they remain grateful for
what they have and for the people who have decided to
sponsor them so that they may have a future. God is doing
some amazing things in the LACC schools and as you will see
in the photos taken, they have captured my heart and have
left me with an impression that drives me to do more for
these children. Please keep these children in your prayers
that God will continue to provide them with love and that
hearts will be changed for Him.”