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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Educators Summit 2010
Multiplying Generations of Leaders
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
Larger group photo
Managua, Nicaragua was the site for the
2010 Bible School
Educators Summit, conducted March 1st through 4th.
The Educators Summit has become much more
than just a training conference. It’s a time for practical
training, where leaders connect, where problems are solved,
where vision is born. There’s a synergy that’s hard to
describe… you just have to be there. The Summit is gaining
momentum. There is a renewed interest in ministerial
training among our national superintendents and Bible school
We had a record attendance of 222 at the Summit in Guatemala
in 2008. So we had set the attendance goal at 250 for the
northern Latin America/ Caribbean version of the 2010 Summit
conducted March 1st to 4th. Since participants pay their own
registration, travel, housing and meals, we weren’t sure how
the world-wide recession would affect the Summit. Amazingly
we had more than 250 pre-registered by the first week of
We were caught by surprise
when final attendance reached 316 from 13 different
countries, nearly 100 more than in 2008! We were overwhelmed
and scrambling for materials the first night. For the first
time in the 14-year history of the Summit, one of the
non-host countries sent more delegates than the host
Attendance |
Country |
1 |
Argentina |
1 |
Chile |
1 |
Colombia |
35 |
Costa Rica |
83 |
El Salvador |
18 |
Guatemala |
31 |
Honduras |
17 |
Mexico |
78 |
Nicaragua |
18 |
Panama |
3 |
Puerto Rico |
7 |
Dominican Republic |
23 |
United States |
316 |
Our work began months ago. Our ongoing contact with leaders
and teachers helps us feel the pulse of ministerial training
in Latin America. We asked the Lord to guide us in the
selection of our general theme:
Priority 1:
Ministerial Formation
We sensed the need
to focus on discipleship and training that provides for the
succession of faith, teaching and ministry to future
generations. Each person left with the clear message that we
must all invest in Timothies who will then do the same. 2
Timothy 2:2 marked the path for the Summit program:
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be
qualified to teacher others.”
A team of 30 superintendents, missionaries and international
and national education leaders ministered in evening
services, devotionals, general sessions and workshops. Seven
publishing houses and ministries helped underwrite the cost
of the event. Not only that, they gave away books, Bibles
and other products to very happy participants.
We’re grateful for the Lords blessing on the Summit. It far
exceeded our expectations in so many ways. Three special
highlights stand out.
• The superintendent from El Salvador, a long-time friend of
our ministry and ministerial training, shared a moving
illustrated sermon. Five different El Salvadorans dressed in
costume to represent the analogies that Paul had made to
Timothy. He described the qualities of the pastor, teacher,
athlete, farmer and soldier. It was incredible!
• An incredibly satisfying moment came when we gave each
participant a copy of the new 2010 Basic Plan for Christian
education for Spanish-speaking Latin America. This 400-page
book outlines the teaching programs for the various levels,
the largest section of which is the Bible school curriculum
plan. In the last three years we invested hundreds of hours
working with a team of 25 leaders to produce it!
The new
plan was presented in a general session and two workshops
were given to help educational leaders develop their own
transition strategy to the new plan.
• Retired missionary Monroe Grams shared during one of the
morning general sessions. The emphasis was not so much
teaching. Instead it was an extended testimony about a
missionary family, dedicated to teaching, training and
discipleship. Rocky and Mona, two of his children also
missionaries involved in training, shared in the session.
Now their children are active in ministry. The Holy Spirit
moved as the session concluded. The Grams family opened the
altar to those who wanted to rededicate their lives to
training and to passing this legacy on to future
generations. It was powerful!
The Resource and Advisory Center serves 1,000 Bible schools,
extensions and ministry training centers throughout
Spanish-speaking Latin America. It is impossible for us to
help each individual teacher or even director. Our strategy
is to work through national leaders to organize and plan the
Summits. Even so, our hope and prayer is that God would
touch each pastor, teacher, director and leader that
attends, who would in turn pass it on to others.
Our veteran missionaries had a very important part teaching
in this Summit, whose lives and families give testimony to a
legacy of ministry. Their example of commitment, sacrifice
and perseverance inspired us all. One woman came up to us at
the end of the closing banquet. We could tell that the Lord
had touched her; it was difficult for her to even make eye
contact. She put a note in my hand and squeezed my arm, she
said thank you, gave us the following handwritten note and
Rod and Sherry,
It was so difficult, almost impossible, for me to come to
this Summit. But I thank God for giving me this opportunity
to grow, to receive the spiritual treasure from those
pioneers that made it all possible. I’m returning home not
just feeling spiritual satisfaction, but now with a new
vision for my ministry. I thank you and your team for all
that you did to make possible this great event.
—Maria Isabel, Mexico
We would like to thank all that prayed for the success of
this Summit. God answered your prayer! Now please pray with
us as we continue plans for the South American version of
the 2010 Bible School Educators Summit coming August 30th to
September 2nd. We are expecting 200 leaders from the nine
Spanish-speaking countries of South America to gather with
us in El Quisco, Chile (about 90 minutes west of Santiago on
the Pacific coast).
Even though Chile has experienced a debilitating earthquake,
national church leaders believe that in spite of what the
enemy may send their way, it is time for Chile to ramp up
ministerial training. They believe that the Summit will play
a large role, preparing the work for the harvest God has
planned for Chile. As evidence of this, we received word
from Guillermo Gonzalez, the national Christian Education
director, that the conference center where we will be having
the Summit suffered no damage from the earthquake!