Portland Team Photo
Portland Team Launches
Jireh School Construction story
For more information on the Jehovah Jireh
Good Shepherd School Project, please visit the
Jireh Project page.
The photo diary is in descending order, with the most recent
photos first. Start at the bottom to get the complete
Day 12: Friday... Jim
and Sherry meet Manual, the new young man they are
sponsoring. The last interior walls go up. Farewell
service--quilts are given to the ladies of the school and
church. Pastor Bob ministers the word and meets new friends.
The team ministers at the altar.

Day 11: Thursday... A
very productive day saw many of the interior walls rise. At
the same time, the c-channel and 2nd story columns are put
in place. The floor will be poured on Saturday. Brad and
Zuri--a LACC student he is starting to sponsor. Cooks Joyce
and Pat look down on the activity.

Day 10: Wednesday...
Back at the Jehovah Jireh school. The column and beam work
is finished for the 2nd-story floor. The c-channel will go
up on Thursday. The team works on the interior walls until
washed out early afternoon. Is that one of those old Latino
gang members? Is Pastor Bob really laying block?

Day 9: Tuesday... We say
goodbye to Helen, Dale and Diane at the early AM airport
dropoff. Last day at Monte de Sion with the hopes of
finishing 3 classrooms and blocking the stairwell and a
portion of the courtyard banister wall. Great fun with the
5th-6th grade students who came especially to thank the team
during a ceremony at lunch time. The old green STL van...
she aint what she used to be!

Days 7 and 8: Sunday and
Monday... After church, the team visits the Panama
Canal; lunch out at Albrook Mall and a little shopping at
the YMCA. Then it's off to the Decameron Resort up the
Pacific coast. They return to the city on Monday, after
lunch at the resort, making a quick stop at Crepes and
DAY 6: Saturday... The
team will spend three days total at Mt. Zion with the goal
of completing 3 classrooms and blocking around the stairwell
and inner court for security. The make great progress on the
second day. Stephanie arrives Friday night...
father-daughter reunions are special!

The team moved to the Mount Zion Good Shepherd School. We
needed to leave the Jireh school so that the Panamanian crew
there could finish the column and beam work and prepare the
second story floor. The team demonstrated their flexibility
in making this quick change. Of course, it wasn't too
difficult since they wanted to continue the work they had
started four years earlier. (See the story from March 2003,
Portland CC
Builds New Mt. Zion School.)

DAY 4: Thursday... The
last two days of rain have made for muddy red clay
conditions. The final retaining walls are going up. The
children love watching and dream of the new school! The
Portland team met Angel 7 years ago while working at the
school. The Ruecks give him a lesson in block laying.

DAY 3: Wednesday... The
work of backfilling begins. The walls continue to rise. The
rains have interrupted work a little. The retaining walls
are just about finished! One more day.

DAY 2: Tuesday... The walls go to the
top. Just a couple more days of hefting the 8" blocks. The
additional columns will be installed on Wednesday.

DAY 1: Monday... The
hard work begins--8" block retaining walls, rebar and
concrete in every cell! Lots of Panamanian brothers from the
church are working with the team.

DAY 0: Sunday... Church
service and a look at the building site--the "big dig"
