Rod Boyd

are historic moments that we never forget. Do you remember where you were on
that Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001? I sure do; in a hotel room in
Springfield, MO, getting ready to drive to the LACC office. I watched a
replay of the plane that hit the first tower in shock and anguish, and then
live video of the attack on second tower. In a moment, our world turned
upside down. We were crushed, our innocence lost.
also remember President Bush’s famous bullhorn speech at Ground Zero three
days after the attacks, with images of the firefighters raising the flag and
makeshift memorials to fallen and missing first responders forever etched in
my memory. As painful as it is to remember 9/11, the days that followed stir
memories of unity and hope, resolve and compassion.
Covid-19 pandemic is turning our world upside down, again. The virus has
wreaked havoc everywhere… death, prolonged illness, economic loss and
complete disruption of normal life. Panama declared a national state of
emergency weeks ago. This week we celebrate our 50-day home quarantine
jubilee! We are grateful that we are safe and sound. We check in regularly
with our kids, grandkids and family who are also doing well. We are in
communication with our schools. Our ministry team is working from home,
doing our best to respond to need and facilitate ministry.
Remembering brings hope
In the midst of these very trying times, we’re thankful
that the peace of God guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
(Philippians 4:7). He stands sentry, protecting us from any threat – worry,
trauma, despair. He helps us to remember what is important. God applies his
Word like salve to a hurting heart in a quiet moment and breaks through
noise and bustle with a verse or a song to remind us of his faithfulness.
The book of Joshua has been so important to us in our
missionary ministry, even more so in the last few years. At the beginning of
the pandemic, the Lord spoke to me from the first stanza of the song Do
It Again (Elevation Worship):
Walking around these walls.
I thought by now they'd fall.
But You have never failed me yet.
Whether intended or not, the first stanza of the song is
right out of the story of Israel marching around the city of Jericho (Joshua
6). I can imagine myself as one of the Israelites on the fourth lap around
the city! Silently trodding along, obedient but wondering why, the Lord
reminds me that He’s never failed me yet. Even when I don’t know why, He
knows best.
was cleaning out files the other day and ran across the issue of the May 30,
1993 issue of the Pentecostal Evangel that announced our missionary
candidate group. The Lord reminded me that his words to Joshua “Be strong a
courageous, because…” (Joshua 1:6), words that He used to launch us into
missionary ministry, are still in effect. He needs us strong to finish the
The story in Joshua chapter three of the crossing of the
Jordan River has been especially important in the construction of the Latin
America Resource & Training Center. It wasn’t until the priests stepped foot
in the Jordon that the river stopped flowing (3:15-17). And then the priests
had to stand in the middle, watching a mountain of stacked-up water, until
the whole nation had crossed over. We had to step out in faith if God was
going to fulfill the vision that He gave to us more than 12 years ago and
have had to stand firm in the middle of very overwhelming circumstances. He
has never failed us yet!
A hopeful way to remember the Covid-19 pandemic
After the nation of Israel had crossed over the Jordan
River, the Lord instructed the leaders of the twelve tribes to take a stone
from the middle of the riverbed, from where the priests were standing with
the Ark, and build a memorial for all generations, an altar of God’s
faithfulness to his people (Joshua 4:7). We need to do the same in our
will we remember the Covid-19 pandemic after we cross over? The God of peace
wants to do more than just protect us from the bad. He wants to help us
create lasting memories, images of how he was and is faithful to us. One
such experience will be etched into my memory forever. On Easter Sunday, a
group of policemen visited our street to encourage us during the quarantine.
They set up a sound system, encouraged hundreds of residents in our tower
apartments to walk out onto our balconies or open our windows. One of the
policemen began to lead us in a chorus (Cuando levanto mis manos/ When I
lift up my hands), preached a gospel message of hope in Christ, invited us
to receive the Lord as Savior and encouraged solidarity. It was absolutely
amazing; see for yourself on my
Facebook page!
How will we remember this experience? Let us take
memories from this most overwhelming place that we find ourselves and build an altar in our hearts.
And let us declare to all generations the greatness of God’s faithfulness,
just like the chorus of the song:
Your promise still stands.
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness.
I'm still in Your hands.
This is my confidence; You've never failed me yet.