Portland Christian
Center Advances
Construction on the LARTC
By Rod and Sherry Boyd

In just a few short weeks, from December 2015 to
February 2016, the Latin America Resource and
Training Center building site changed from a
jungle-like hillside to a two-acre clear, flat
parcel! Column footings and foundations were
laid, columns erected, cross-beams placed and welded
and metal-deck panels laid.
Within days the Lincolnton (GA) MAPS Team arrived
and laid most of the first floor block and some bond
beams. After they left our local workers
finished the bond beams.
Within days, a mixed team of 20 men, women and youth
from Portland (OR) Christian Center MAPS Team
arrived mid-march, giving two weeks to continue
construction of the LARTC. We were so happy to have
Randy and Lynne Forsyth back working with this team.
The first three days were spent on the first floor,
blocking above the bond beams, blocking storage
rooms and installing plumbing in the two multi-stall
restrooms. At the same time our Panamanian crew was
installing the first half of the roof.
The team moved upstairs on day four to begin block
work on the administrative area. Multiple dividing
walls, window openings, formed columns and bond
beams made for tedious and challenging work. But the
team nearly completed blocking the inner office
area, leaving the simpler back and hallway walls for
our Panamanian crew. A crew also brought the first
floor bathrooms nearly to bond beam level.
A group of five high school students and youth
pastor Aaron added a special touch the the group.
They were willing and dedicated to the task, often
doing the harder jobs... more difficult for some of
us more "seasoned" team members. We missed PCC
MAPS Construction Director David Martin, but Sherry
and Jim Swee did a fabulous job filling in.
Our farewell service at the Getsemani Church was
very special. Pastor Aaron preached a great
message, with one of the bilingual highschoolers
translating his message. Getsemani Pastor
Otilio thanked the team and reminded all of us of
the strategic role that the LARTC will play in
enabling leaders, training thousands of teachers and
provided them with needed resources. And this
not just for Panama, but for all of the 20
Spanish-speaking countries in the Latin America and
Caribbean region.
Thank you, Portland Christian Center MAPS Team for
your hard work. We hope to see you back next year!
2016 GOALS
Our goal is to move our office to the new building
before the end of the year. There is so much work
that still needs to be completed! We are believing
God for $100,000.00 in special offerings for this
project by the end of the year to completed the
followint work: electrical (cable,
transformer, wiring), septic, drainage and erosion
control, blocking, stucco, plumbing, doors, windows,
finish work and furnishings. And this is just the
first phase of construction!
Please join us in “praying in” funds and teams for
the Latin America Resource and Training Center.
Please visit
www.lartc.net and
www.boyds.org for updated reports and
If you are able to help, please send your offerings
Assemblies of God World Missions
LARTC Project 14295
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Thank you for standing with us and for being a part
a long-term vision... a dream in the making!

